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After a month of rollercoaster, Tumblr today has returned to the App Store. As you’ll remember, Tumblr for iOS was pulled from the App Store almost exactly a month ago over what was eventually revealed to be child pornography. Since then, Tumblr announced it was removing all adult content from the platform, and now it’s back on the App Store.
Back in November, Apple banned the official Tumblr app from the App Store over child pornography issues, then Tumblr promised to remove all adult content from the site, and today, it was announced that the app would be available to download again.
According to Techcrunch, Tumblr has made its appearance back on the iOS app store, but with a catch. According to the report, a new version history has noted that:
“this particular update[…]includes changes to Tumblr’s Community Guidelines, which prohibit certain kinds of content from being shown on Tumblr.”
Tumblr hasn’t issued a full statement on the return of its iOS app to the App Store. In a brief update to its support site this week, the company simply said, “The Tumblr iOS app is back in the App Store and available for download. Thanks again for your patience.”
In conjunction with its return to the App Store, Tumblr for iOS has been updated to version 12.2:
Out with the old and in with the new update! From here on out, you can expect a smoother experience and the latest and most up-to-date features.
This particular update also includes changes to Tumblr’s Community Guidelines, which prohibit certain kinds of content from being shown on Tumblr.
That means you can download Tumblr on Apple App Store once again for free now:
Tumblr for iOS is available as a free download on the App Store.
The app is still listed as “17+” for “Frequent/Intense Mature/Suggestive Themes/Frequent Intense Sexual Content or Nudity.” The ban is intended to go into full effect on December 17, but the ploy appears to have had the intended effect. Tumblr has already begun flagging adult material via an algorithm, leading to some pretty hilarious misfires.